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Why Real estate Asset

"Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and manager with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world".

--Franklin D. Roosevelt

Business Charter
  • Initial stage:Invested in positive cash flow properties like, Individual Homes.
  • Land Development and Residential Real Estate Homes.
  • Industrial Warehouse expand into land development and single family homes.
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SoCal Market Current Status
  • Demand continues mounting, due mainly to the massive growth in e-commerce and imports/exports.
  • Land scarcity, construction costs and lack of labor mean not enough properties are coming online.
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Business Drivers of Opportunities
  • e-commerce growth(10% to 15% Growth YoY).
  • Medical Marijuana (Cannabis).
  • Streaming of Production and Content Creation of shows (Disney +, Apple Streaming Services)
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Technology & Investor Portal


Organize firm wide capital markets knowledge.
View investor accouting data at your fingertips.


Easily produce transaction notices,capital account statements,and statements of holding.
Efficiently deliver quartely reports.


Provide a modern,intuitive digital investment experience to your investors.
Securely deliver tax forms and other sensitive documents.


Track contributions,distributions,and next income.
Calculate capital accounts and investor returns.
Automate distribution payments and other common administrative activites.


Securely fundraise using document watermaking and intergarted data rooms.
Close quickly with online subscriptions and e-signatures.
Organize your fundraising meetings and activites.


Securely gather and manage investor payment details and other sensitive data via the investor portal.
Rest easy with automated backups and industry-leading security practices protecting your data.

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Why Choose Us

Portfolio Diversification

The process of investing your money in different asset classes and securities in order to minimize the overall risk of the portfolio.

Limited Liability Structure

A limited liability company (LLC) is a corporate structure whereby the members of the company cannot be held personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities.